W Mulberry St / S Shields St

The median real estate price in the W Mulberry St / S Shields St area is $684,921, making it more expensive than 79.4 percent of the neighborhoods in Colorado and 86.7 percent of the neighborhoods in the United States.

W Mulberry St / S Shields St is a residential area in the city of Fort Collins, Colorado, United States.

Looking for a place to live where you can ride your bicycle to work every day? Look no further than this unique community. A total of 20.1 percent of inhabitants in the W Mulberry St / S Shields St area travel on a bicycle to and from work on a daily basis, making it the community with the highest proportion of bicycle commuters among all neighborhoods in the United States.

Read more: Southbridge Greens Blvd / Southridge Greens Blvd

Additionally, for many people in the W Mulberry St / S Shields St neighborhood, walking to work is a viable choice. In fact, walking to and from work is the preferred mode of transportation for 18.4 percent of the population in this area. There are more walking commuters in this neighborhood than we observed in 97.5 percent of American neighborhoods, which is significant. If you plan to relocate here, be prepared to put on your walking shoes!

A whopping 30.9 percent of the residents of the W Mulberry St / S Shields St area are now enrolled in college, which is a record high for the city. This is such a significant aspect of life in this neighborhood that the neighborhood changes dramatically with the change of semesters and is significantly calmer during the summer months when most students are away.

Aside from that, one of the most intriguing aspects of the W Mulberry St/S Shields St area is that it is a fantastic choice for college students looking for a place to call home. It is an excellent neighborhood for prospective or currently enrolled college students because of its popularity among college students who already choose to live in the area, its walkability, and the neighborhood’s above-average protection against crime.

Read also: W Mulberry St / S Taft Hill Rd

If you come here between semesters or during school breaks, you’ll note that the level of enthusiasm varies depending on the college season you’re in. The fact that this area has an above-average safety rating allows parents of college-age children to feel secure despite the enthusiasm surrounding their children’s college years.

The area is regarded as one of the most college-friendly places to reside in the state of Colorado for each of the reasons listed above. This area is not just a wonderful choice for college students, but it is also an outstanding choice for young, single professionals who are starting out in their careers.

Reliable Water Restoration of Fort Collins, 2121 E Harmony Rd #300, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80528, (970) 230-6844
